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The creator of mobile phone against smartphones

The creator of mobile phone against smartphones  - изображение

The creator of mobile phone, Martin Cooper, who was the lead engineer in the department of Motorola, develops the first cell phone, criticized modern mobile phones.

80-year-old Cooper said that the multifunction device mediocre inherent in each of their functions. He argues that the future of several specialized units, each of which performs well only his task.
Previously, creator of mobile saying that the smartphone Apple iPhone has a cumbersome interface. Nevertheless, the world has already sold about 50 million devices on a platform of iPhone OS.

Martin Cooper in April 1973 made the first wireless call. As he recalls, the first mobile phone weighed a kilogram, and its battery is little more than 20 minutes of conversation. Cooper noted that it was very useful, because the hand still could not stand longer than twenty minutes.
Now modern man is very convenient, when one mobile phone combines multiple devices: camera, media player, Bluetooth, and sometimes even difficult to imagine, unless the phone access the Internet. Therefore it is very unlikely that mankind renounce their smart phones, camera phones, etc. muzofonov. The future for most multi-functional devices that easily can perfectly perform multiple tasks.

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