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Trojan.Winlock has infected millions of computers

Trojan.Winlock has infected millions of computers  - изображение

The system has been blocked ... Send SMS ...Activate via sms ...

For more than a million people faced with this message. And many do not understand what was going on and fearing that the data were not deleted - send sms to specified phone number.

Family of Trojans Trojan.Winlock epidemic is gaining momentum. Only in January 2010 the number of Russians who suffered from malicious programs that require Windows for unlocking pay to send SMS message, was a few million. Losses of people in the hundreds of millions of rubles.
The first modification Trojan.Winlock appeared about three years ago. While they do not pose a serious threat: automatically deleted from your computer in a few hours after installation, do not start in safe mode, Windows, and the cost of SMS message, which required to send the authors of the Trojan was not so high, about 10 rubles.

Since November 2009 there are new versions Trojan.Winlock, they are becoming more dangerous. For removal of messages about blocking Windows, which comes out on top of all windows and makes it impossible for normal work on your computer, intruders require much more money (from 300 rubles and above). Trojans will not automatically removed from the system after some time, but gain additional functionality. In particular, they prevent the launch of some programs on the infected system (file management, anti-rootkit, utilities collect information that may help in treating the system).

Malware family Trojan.Winlock spread through vulnerabilities in Windows (in particular, Internet Explorer), malicious sites (downloadable codecs), exploit iframe, and botnets (by selling botnets to install any malware on the infected computer).

To help the victims offered by Doctor Web, which in a special section of its website to collect all information about these Trojans. In particular, the form of unlocking, which helps free to find the necessary code. Only during the first 2 days of this project, he was visited by hundreds of thousands of users.

Source: ®


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